Personal Protection Outside The Home Course
This class is for the experienced shooter. The NRA Personal Protection in the Home Course is a prerequisite for this course.
Students will provide their own Pistol, Ammunition, a comfortable Side-Holster, and a Cover Garment.
Short Description : Comprehensive and intensive in its approach to equip the defensive shooting candidate with the skills needed to survive serious adversity.
Included in this 14-hour (2 Days) Course are Lessons Covering:
1) Introduction to Concealed Carry Safety and the Defensive Mindset
(Includes Revolvers and Semi-Automatic Pistols,Introduction to Concealed Carry Safety and the Defensive Mindset)
2) Introduction to Self-Defense and Concealed Carry
(Mindset, Avoiding Confrontation Outside the Home, Responding to an Attack Outside the Home, Differences between Armed Self-Defense in the Home and Outside the Home, and What Happens if you Must Shoot)
3) Legal Aspects of Concealed Carry and Self-Defense
(Concealed Carry Permits, Use of Deadly Force Outside the Home, and the Potential Legal Aftermath of Using Justified Deadly Force)
4) Carry Modes and Concealment
(Concealed Carry Requirements, Concealed Carry Devices, and the Principals of Concealed Carry)
5) Presenting the Pistol from Concealment
(Range Safety Briefing, Steps in Presenting the Pistol, Live Fire Exercises – Minimum of 40 Rounds)
6) Presentation, Position, and Movement
(Live Fire Exercises – Minimum of 100 Rounds)
7) Special Shooting Techniques
(Live Fire Exercises – Minimum of 250 Rounds)
8) Sport Shooting Activities and Training Opportunities
(Shooting Activities, Organizations, Facilities, etc.)
9) Shooting Activities, Organizations, Facilities, etc
(All NRA Examinations are Open-Book and Questions are Covered in the Review)
This is a fourteen-hour course. It may be divided into Basic - Level I (9 hours) and Advanced - Level II (5 hours). Level I must be completed prior to taking Level II. Students should expect to shoot a minimum of 350 rounds of ammunition.
More Details: The course teaches students the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for avoiding dangerous confrontations and for the safe, effective and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense outside the home. Students have the opportunity to attend this course using a quality strong side hip holster that covers the trigger, or a holster purse. From a review of safe firearms handling and proper mindset to presentation from concealment and multiple shooting positions, this course contains the essential skills and techniques needed to prevail in a life-threatening situation.
The NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home is divided into two levels (basic and advanced). Level one is a nine-hour course and offers the essential knowledge and skills that must be mastered in order to carry, store, and use a firearm safely and effectively for personal protection outside the home. Upon completion of level one, students may choose to attend level two, which is an additional five hours of range training and teaches advanced shooting skills. After the classroom portion, students should expect to spend several hours on the range and shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition during level one. Level two involves five additional hours on the range and approximately 250-300 rounds of ammunition. The ammunition requirements are minimum and may be exceeded. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and the appropriate course completion certificates(s), NRA Basic Personal Protection Outside The Home certificate, and NRA Advanced Personal Protection Outside The Home certificate.
The NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home is for adult individuals who are not disqualified from possessing a firearm as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law and are of good repute and possess defensive pistol skills presented in the NRA Basics of Personal Protection In The Home Course. Participants must also understand the basic legal concepts relating to the use of firearms in self-defense, and must know and observe not only general gun safety rules, but also those safety principles that are specific to defensive situations. Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course Certificate, or by passing the pre-course evaluation.
The materials and training methods used in this course were prepared and developed by the NRA through years of experience and constant modification to fulfill the needs of an ever-changing society. The instructors conducting this course are highly trained and are certified by the National Rifle Association.